Circle vs Mighty Networks 2024: A Full Review

May 20, 2024


Membership is a complex concept. On one level it’s just a group of people. On the next level, you are still dealing with people, so their needs are going to vary. Understanding the nuances of the different platforms will help you make the right decision. In this post, Jonathan dials in the details so you don’t have to. These two SAAS powerhouses may be the answer for folks looking for non-WordPress solutions. 


Mighty Networks vs Circle 2024: Unveiling the Best Online Community Platform for Creators

In recent years, the need for effective online community-building platforms has skyrocketed, with brands and creators looking for the perfect solution to engage their audience and foster community members’ connection. As of 2024, two popular platforms for building online membership sites and courses have emerged as frontrunners in the race: Mighty Networks and Circle. Both offer impressive features, including customization, analytics, mobile apps, and more, to help businesses thrive in the digital age.

Mighty Networks is a comprehensive platform designed for creators to build engaged online communities, offer membership programs, and even create online courses. It boasts of advanced features like automation, customization, unlimited members, live streaming, and free trials, making it an industry favorite. On the other hand, Circle focuses on providing a sleek and easy-to-navigate community space with intuitive features and tools designed to improve member engagement and foster a thriving community atmosphere.

As both platforms continue to evolve and adapt to the changing landscape of online communities, businesses and creators must understand their respective offerings and identify which platform will best serve their needs. With this article, we aim to provide an in-depth comparison of Mighty Networks vs. Circle, evaluating their pricing, features, and overall community experience to help you decide which platform is right for you.

Key Takeaways

  • Mighty Networks and Circle are popular community-building platforms that offer customizable experiences for creators and businesses alike.
  • Both platforms provide unique features, with Mighty Networks offering a more comprehensive suite and Circle focusing on usability and engagement.
  • Analyzing your business needs and objectives will ultimately determine which platform, Mighty Networks or Circle, best suits your online community space.

Mighty Networks vs. Circle In-Depth Comparison

Circle vs. Mighty Networks: Usability and Comfort

Both Mighty Networks and Circle are designed to be user-friendly and provide an intuitive community-building experience. However, while Mighty Networks offers a more robust set of features with its all-in-one platform approach, Circle is known for its simplicity.

  • Mighty Networks provides comprehensive features like online courses, membership plans, and community management.
  • Circle focuses on creating a clean, simple interface with easy navigation for community discussions.

Overall, the usability of these platforms largely depends on the creators’ preferences and needs when building their communities.

Circle vs. Mighty Networks: Features for Member Engagement

Regarding engaging members, both Mighty Networks and Circle provide features to foster community engagement. Here are some highlights:

Mighty Networks:

  • Offers live streaming capabilities.
  • Enables automation for member onboarding, content posting, and event scheduling.
  • Allows creators to design and sell online courses.


  • Provides a space for discussions, resources, and announcements.
  • Integrated with tools like Zoom, Slack, and Discord.
  • Offers intuitive mobile app for engaging members on the go.

Circle vs. Mighty Networks: Branding and Customization Dynamics

Customization is crucial for community platforms to reflect the brand and personality of the creator. Both Mighty Networks and Circle allow users to customize the look and feel of their community:

Mighty Networks:

  • Offers customization features like custom domain, logo, and color schemes.
  • Provides a mobile app that’s customizable, reflecting the community’s brand.


  • Allows creators to customize the community interface with branding elements like logo, header, and custom navigation.
  • Circle communities can be embedded seamlessly into the creator’s website, maintaining a consistent brand image.

Mighty Networks vs. Circle: Member Analytics

Both platforms include analytics features for tracking community growth, engagement, and progress. Here are the highlights:

Mighty Networks:

  • Offers detailed analytics on member engagement, content performance, and overall community health.
  • Identifies top-performing members and content, enabling better moderation and decision-making.


  • Provides community analytics on member growth, engagement, resource usage, and overall community health.
  • Allows creators to export their data, offering flexibility for further analysis outside the platform.

Mighty Networks and Circle offer unique features designed to cater to different types of creators. While Mighty Networks provides a comprehensive feature set for community building, Circle focuses on clean, simple, and intuitive community discussion spaces. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on the creators’ individual needs and preferences.

Examining Circle and Mighty Networks’ Third-Party Integrations

Circle and Mighty Networks offer third-party integrations to enhance their platforms’ capabilities. These integrations allow you to connect your community with other tools and services you might use for your online business. In this section, we’ll take a closer look at the integration options available for each platform. Remember to use the third person (he, she, it, they, etc) when speaking about the platforms in the rest of the section.

Circle’s platform focuses on integrations that provide seamless workflow and automation. Some popular integrations include Zapier for automation, Memberstack for advanced membership management, Notion for documentation and knowledge management, Slack for team communication, and Google Analytics for tracking community analytics.

Here’s a brief list of notable Circle integrations:

  • Zapier
  • Memberstack
  • Notion
  • Slack
  • Google Analytics

Mighty Networks, on the other hand, takes a more focused approach to integrations. They primarily integrate with Zapier, which enables connections with thousands of different apps. Through Zapier, Mighty Networks can connect to tools like Mailchimp for email marketing, Shopify for e-commerce, Teachable for online courses, and Calendly for scheduling events.

Notable Mighty Networks integrations:

  • Zapier (connects to many other apps)

Both platforms also offer Custom APIs that enable you to build your integrations with your preferred tools. This opens up more possibilities for customizable solutions to suit your specific needs, such as integrating with your CRM, connecting to a project management tool, or syncing data with a marketing automation tool.

In summary, Circle offers a range of direct integrations with popular tools, while Mighty Networks primarily relies on Zapier, enabling connections with many other applications. Both platforms also support custom integrations using their APIs.

Messaging and Notifications

Mighty Networks and Circle offer various features to enhance communication between community members. The messaging and notifications in both platforms are designed to ensure fluid and frictionless interactions.

Mighty Networks:

Mighty Networks provides direct messaging that enables members to connect privately. The platform also offers real-time notifications for events, promotions, and new content. Users can opt to receive notifications via email or through the mobile app. The customization feature allows members to select which notifications they wish to receive, preventing information overload.


Circle, on the other hand, focuses on in-app messaging and email-based notifications. The platform also supports threaded discussions, which makes it easier for members to follow conversations. Circle allows members to adjust their notification preferences, ensuring they only receive relevant information.

Here’s a quick comparison of the messaging and notifications features in Mighty Networks and Circle:

Feature Mighty Networks Circle
Direct Messaging :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
In-App Messaging :heavy_multiplication_x: :heavy_check_mark:
Email Notifications :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Real-Time Notifications :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_multiplication_x:
Threaded Discussions :heavy_multiplication_x: :heavy_check_mark:
Notification Customization :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:

In summary, Mighty Networks and Circle provide messaging and notification features catering to different preferences and user needs. Mighty Networks has an edge in real-time notifications, while Circle excels in threaded discussions and in-app messaging. Each platform offers customizable notification settings to help maintain a balance between community engagement and information overload.

Sales and Marketing

Mighty Networks and Circle are powerful platforms for building online communities, membership sites, and online courses. Both platforms offer a range of features that cater to the needs of creators, businesses, and community builders. In this section, we will discuss both platforms’ sales and marketing aspects to help you make an informed decision for your online business.

Pricing: Mighty Networks offers a free/trial plan with limited features, while its Community Plan starts at $23 per month. The highest-tier plan, Mighty Pro, is $99 per month and provides advanced customization options. On the other hand, Circle starts at $39 per month for its Basic Plan, and its Business Plan is priced at $99 per month. Circle does offer a 14-day free trial to test and explore its features.

Mighty Networks Price Circle Price
Free (limited) 14-day free trial
Community Plan $23 per month Basic Plan $39 per month
Mighty Pro $99 per month Business Plan $99 per month

Marketing Features: Both Mighty Networks and Circle offer features like email automation, making it easier for creators to maintain engagement with their members. Mighty Networks, however, also provides built-in analytics tools, which can help track user activities and preferences to refine sales and marketing strategies. Circle currently does not offer native analytics tools, but it does integrate with third-party analytics tools, which may require additional investment from the user.

Mobile App Presence: Mighty Networks offers a mobile app for Android and iOS devices. This enables community members to access the platform on the go and allows creators to track engagement and activity more quickly. On the other hand, Circle does not currently have a mobile app, which may limit opportunities for community engagement.

Customization and Branding: Both platforms provide options for customization and branding. Mighty Networks offers customizable mobile apps for higher-tier plans, making it easier to tailor the user experience and reinforce the creator’s brand identity. Circle also allows for customization in terms of the look and feel of the community space, which can help creators build a seamless experience that reflects their brand value.

Choosing the right platform for your online community primarily depends on your requirements, budget, and preferences. Both Mighty Networks and Circle offer a range of features tailored to the needs of creators and community builders, making each an attractive option for different use cases. Prospective users should carefully consider the abovementioned factors to find the platform best suited to their needs.

Payments and Checkouts

Mighty Networks and Circle both offer secure and convenient payment options within their platforms. This section will discuss each platform’s payment and checkout features, making it easier for creators to monetize their community and content.

Mighty Networks integrates with Stripe for transaction processing. This allows creators to accept payments for memberships, online courses, and events. The platform supports both one-time payments and subscriptions, giving creators flexibility in designing their monetization strategy. In addition, Mighty Networks offers a transaction fee waiver for users who opt for the Mighty Pro plan.

Here’s a comparison of Mighty Networks’ transaction fees across their plans:

Plan Mighty Networks Transaction Fee
Free N/A
Basic 5%
Business 3%
Mighty Pro 0%

On the other hand, Circle also supports Stripe as its payment processor, allowing creators to accept payments for access to their community securely. However, Circle focuses more on membership payments and does not include course and event transactions like Mighty Networks. Circle charges a flat transaction fee of 2.9% + 30¢. There is no transaction fee waiver available for Circle users.

For creators looking for flexible payment plans, Mighty Networks might be the preferred choice due to its scalability through different pricing plans and the ability to waive transaction fees at higher tiers.

Please remember that the platforms’ transaction fees are separate from Stripe’s processing fees, which apply to all transactions on Mighty Networks and Circle.

Regarding checkout experience, Mighty Networks boasts a seamless and straightforward checkout process for community members, allowing for rapid sign-ups and purchases. Circle similarly aims for a smooth and user-friendly experience for their community members, promoting rapid engagement and subscription uptake.

Both Mighty Networks and Circle offer integrated, secure payment options for creators to monetize their online communities. Mighty Networks provides more flexibility with its various pricing plans and transaction fee waivers, while Circle keeps a consistent fee structure focused on community memberships.

Online Community Builder

Mighty Networks and Circle are popular for entrepreneurs and creators looking to create a vibrant online community. Each platform offers a range of features to help users build and manage their online communities effectively. The key differentiators are customizable interfaces, various membership options, and overall user experience.

  • Customization: Mighty Networks offers a highly customizable interface, allowing creators to have granular control over the look and feel of their community space. With features like drag-and-drop modules and a wide range of available themes, users quickly adapt the platform to their brand. On the other hand, Circle has a more minimalist approach to its design, focusing on a clean and easy-to-use interface.

  • Membership: Both platforms provide various membership plans to accommodate budgets and business needs. Mighty Networks takes it one step further by allowing creators to create online courses, allowing them an additional opportunity to monetize their content. The platform also includes more advanced analytics and engagement tracking for community members. Meanwhile, Circle focuses more on general community features and integrating with other services, such as Zapier and Slack.

  • Mobile App: Mighty Networks offers a native mobile application, which is an important consideration as community access extends beyond desktops. This allows users to engage with their online communities on the go. Circle lacks a mobile app, which can be a deciding factor for some users, especially as community access becomes increasingly important on mobile devices.

  • Pricing: While both platforms offer a free trial period, the pricing structures differ. Mighty Networks provides a basic plan for around $23 per month with a limit on members, whereas Circle charges $39 per month and allows unlimited members. Circle’s unlimited member capacity may be the right choice for business growth and community expansion.

Mighty Networks and Circle each cater to different preferences and priorities for online community builders. Mighty Networks shines with customization and online course creation, while Circle thrives in simplicity and streamlined community engagement. Ultimately, the decision will depend on the creator’s and community’s specific needs and goals.

Mobile Apps

Mighty Networks and Circle offer mobile apps for their community platforms, allowing members to access and engage with the community on-the-go. In this section, we will explore the features and capabilities of the mobile apps for each platform to help you understand what each offers in terms of an enhanced user experience.

Mighty Networks has a dedicated mobile app for iOS and Android devices, filled with features to keep community members engaged. Some core elements of the app include:

  • Custom Branding: Creators can customize the look and feel of their app to align with their brand identity.
  • Community Interaction: Members can join groups, participate in discussions, and access exclusive content.
  • Push Notifications: Users receive real-time updates and reminders about new content, live events, and discussions.
  • Built-in Analytics: Creators can monitor community engagement and growth through the mobile app.

On the other hand, Circle’s mobile app is available on iOS, while the Android app is currently in the works. Some key highlights of Circle’s iOS mobile app are:

  • Whitelabel Experience: Community organizers can customize the app’s icon and splash screen to reflect their brand’s identity.
  • Engagement Tools: Members can participate in conversations, react to posts, send direct messages, and bookmark interesting content.
  • Streamlined Navigation: The Circle app boasts a clean and intuitive interface, making navigation easy for its users.

In mobile apps, it’s essential to consider the ease of use and accessibility for community members. Mighty Networks and Circle provide a seamless mobile experience for their users, with Mighty Networks edging slightly ahead due to its availability on both iOS and Android platforms.

Content and Engagement

Regarding content and engagement, both Mighty Networks and Circle offer a wide range of features designed to help creators build and maintain active online communities. Nevertheless, there are distinctions between the two platforms that can affect the user experience and the community’s overall success.

Online Courses and Cohort Courses: Mighty Networks provides an all-in-one platform where creators can build communities and offer online courses. Their intuitive course-building functionality allows for standalone and cohort-based courses, where participants learn together in a fixed time frame. On the other hand, Circle does not have built-in tools for creating courses, but it integrates seamlessly with other online course platforms.

Automation and Workflows: Circle excels in providing creators with automation options and workflows that can save time and effort. They offer Zapier integrations, which enable community builders to automate specific tasks and improve efficiency. While offering automation to some extent, Mighty Networks is not as advanced or customizable as Circle in this area.

Community Interface and Customization: Both platforms cater to user preferences by offering customization options for the look and feel of the community. Mighty Networks has a broader customization feature set, such as colors, fonts, and layouts that match the creator’s brand identity. Circle also offers customization but with fewer options for making the community visually unique.

Feature Mighty Networks Circle
Online Course/Cohort Yes Integration
Automation/Workflows Basic Advanced
Customization Opportunities Extensive Limited

Mobile App Experience: One noteworthy advantage Mighty Networks has over Circle is providing a mobile app for community members. The Mighty Networks app makes it easy for users to stay engaged and updated on the go, fostering more significant community activity overall. Circle still does not offer a mobile app, and community members must rely on their web browsers on mobile devices.

Community Management and Analytics: Both platforms provide essential community management tools and analytics to help creators track user engagement, understand trends, and optimize the community experience. Mighty Networks and Circle offer comparable features in this area, with no significant differences.

In summary, Mighty Networks and Circle have their strengths and weaknesses regarding content and engagement. While Mighty Networks is better suited for creators who want to provide online courses, run cohort-based learning experiences, and offer a mobile app for their community, Circle thrives in automation and workflows. Both platforms provide ample customization and engagement features, leaving it up to the individual creator to decide which aspect is most important to them.

Final Thoughts

When comparing Mighty Networks and Circle as community platforms, both have their strengths and areas of focus. This section will provide a brief comparison to help you decide which platform best suits your needs.

Feature Mighty Networks Circle
Customization High level of customization Moderate level of customization
Analytics Comprehensive analytics Basic analytics
Mobile App Available Not available
Pricing Affordable plans Slightly more expensive plans

Mighty Networks shines in its ability to offer a high level of customization and comprehensive analytics. The mobile app is another advantage, allowing community members to stay connected on the go. Additionally, Mighty Networks offers various affordable plans that enable you to create online courses and engage unlimited members. The platform caters to creators and brand-focused communities, making it an excellent choice for those looking to build thriving online businesses.

On the other hand, Circle excels in providing an intuitive and clean community interface. While Circle does not have a mobile app, it is optimized for mobile browsers. The platform focuses on community management and engagement, making it a strong contender for creating a simplified and cohesive community experience. Circle also offers a free trial, which allows testing the platform before committing to a plan.

Both platforms offer a range of features like automation, live streaming, and community-building tools but have different areas of focus. Mighty Networks emphasizes brand building, customization, and online courses, while Circle prioritizes user experience and community management. Choose the platform that best aligns with your goals and your community’s specific needs.

Circle vs Mighty Networks 2024: A Full Review was last modified: by