WordPress Performance Optimization Best Practice For Membership Websites

June 20, 2024


What is “Optimization”? Some might say the content, while others say performance regarding speed. As your expert, Jonathan goes deep in this post about the performance and speed side of the word. all while staying succinct and valuing your time. He covers things like PHP versions, PHP Workers, Cache and even the choice of your theme. Gain confidence in how you view your site’s performance. 


WordPress Site Optimization: Boost Membership Performance and Speed

WordPress membership sites can become a linchpin for online businesses, offering unique opportunities to monetize content and build communities. However, as these sites grow, their performance can suffer, leading to slow load times and a poor user experience. Optimizing your WordPress membership site enhances user satisfaction and boosts SEO and performance metrics.

When dealing with WordPress optimization, please choose the right hosting provider, as it directly influences site speed and reliability. Implementing optimization techniques like image compression, lazy loading, and using a caching plugin can remarkably improve site performance. By optimizing your database and using themes specifically designed for WordPress, you can further enhance load times and user experience.

Speed is crucial since it’s a ranking factor for search engines. Running regular speed tests and employing tools to diagnose and resolve performance issues will ensure your WordPress site remains swift and efficient. Following these best practices can create a more robust and user-friendly membership site.

Key Takeaways

  • Fast WordPress hosting improves site speed.
  • Image and database optimization boost performance.
  • Regular speed tests help identify and fix issues.

Choosing the Right WordPress Hosting Solution

Choosing the Right WordPress Hosting Solution

Selecting the appropriate WordPress hosting solution can significantly impact your website’s performance and user experience. The two main types of hosting to consider are Shared WordPress Hosting and VPS WordPress Hosting.

Shared WordPress Hosting

Shared WordPress Hosting is a cost-effective solution where multiple websites share the same server resources.

This type of hosting is ideal for beginners or small websites with low to moderate traffic. It’s affordable, easy to set up, and often has one-click WordPress installations and essential support.



However, the performance can be inconsistent due to resource sharing. If another site on the same server experiences high traffic, it may slow down your site. Security levels are lower compared to dedicated solutions.

Standard providers include Bluehost, SiteGround, and HostGator. These companies often offer plans starting at just a few monthly dollars, making it a budget-friendly choice.

VPS WordPress Hosting

VPS (Virtual Private Server) WordPress Hosting provides more dedicated resources by partitioning a physical server into virtual servers.

This setup offers better performance and more control than shared hosting. It is suitable for websites with higher traffic or those requiring custom configurations. Users benefit from improved security, stability, and faster load times.

VPS hosting is more expensive than shared hosting but offers better scalability and flexibility. Popular VPS hosting providers include DigitalOcean, Linode, and InMotion Hosting, with plans generally starting at around $20 per month.

VPS hosting is an excellent choice for those needing enhanced performance and more fantastic customization options without the cost of dedicated servers.

PHP 8 or Higher & PHP Workers

PHP 8 or Higher & PHP Workers

WordPress sites can achieve better performance by upgrading to PHP 8 or higher. PHP 8 introduces several speed and resource management improvements, making it a valuable upgrade for WordPress users.

PHP workers are separate entities that handle multiple requests simultaneously. Increasing the number of PHP workers can help manage higher traffic, improving the user experience and load times.

For a membership site, efficient handling of multiple user requests is crucial. More PHP workers mean faster processing and less user waiting time, enhancing the site’s performance.

Benefits of PHP 8 or Higher:

  • Improved speed with JIT (Just-In-Time) compilation.
  • Enhanced type system and error handling.
  • Lower memory usage, which is ideal for high-traffic sites.

Managing PHP Workers:

  • Default Setup: Most hosting providers come with a default number of PHP workers. This might be sufficient for smaller sites.
  • Scaling Up: As your site grows, consider increasing the number of PHP workers via your hosting provider.
  • Monitoring Performance: Use tools to monitor how PHP workers are utilized and adjust accordingly.


  1. Upgrade to PHP 8 or higher.
  2. Check your current number of PHP workers.
  3. Adjust PHP workers through your hosting provider.
  4. Monitor site performance regularly.

Optimal use of PHP 8 and PHP workers can significantly enhance the performance of a WordPress membership site, ensuring a smoother and faster experience for users.

Pick a Host That Uses Nginx?

Pick a Host That Uses Nginx?

Choosing the right hosting provider is crucial for optimizing a WordPress site’s performance. One key feature to look for is Nginx.

Nginx is a high-performance web server known for handling numerous concurrent connections, making it a popular choice for high-traffic sites.

Benefits of Using Nginx:

  • Improved Load Times: Nginx serves static content quickly, reducing page load times.
  • Efficient Resource Usage: Uses less memory and resources than web servers.
  • Scalability: Nginx can handle many connections, making it suitable for growing sites.

Switching to a hosting provider that uses Nginx can drastically improve the speed and reliability of a WordPress site. When evaluating potential hosts, check for their use of Nginx and other performance-enhancing capabilities.

Choose a Server Closest to Your Visitors & Use CDN

Choose a Server Closest to Your Visitors & Use CDN

Selecting a server close to your visitors can significantly improve load times. The closer the server, the quicker the data can travel.

Content Delivery Network (CDN) usage further enhances this. CDNs distribute your content across multiple servers worldwide, reducing latency.

Benefits of using a CDN:

  • Reduced Load Times: Faster delivery of content.
  • Improved Availability: Better handling of traffic spikes.
  • Enhanced Security: CDNs provide additional security measures.

Choosing a managed WordPress hosting provider that supports CDNs can simplify implementation.

Steps to choose a server location:

  1. Identify your primary audience’s location.
  2. Choose hosting plans with servers near this location.
  3. Implement a CDN to distribute static and dynamic content.

Popular CDN providers include:

  • Cloudflare
  • Amazon CloudFront
  • MaxCDN

Using a server near visitors paired with a CDN ensures faster site performance, enhancing user experience and SEO.

Premium DNS Is Better Than Free DNS?

Premium DNS Is Better Than Free DNS?

Premium DNS offers more benefits compared to Free DNS.

Free DNS services provide basic DNS resolution. These are useful for small sites with minimal traffic.

Advantages of Premium DNS:

  1. Enhanced Security: Premium DNS includes advanced security features. This can protect against DDoS attacks and other threats.
  2. Better Performance: Improved response times lead to faster page loads.
  3. Increased Reliability: Premium services offer higher uptime guarantees.
  4. Global Coverage: Access to a more extensive network of DNS servers worldwide.

Free DNS Limitations:

  1. Lower Security: Free DNS may lack robust security features.
  2. Slower Speeds: Free options might have slower response times.
  3. Reliability Issues: Downtimes can be more frequent with free DNS.
  4. Limited Support: Often lacks dedicated customer support.

In summary, while Free DNS can be acceptable for smaller sites or non-critical uses, Premium DNS is better suited for those prioritizing security, speed, reliability, and global availability.

Does Your WordPress Website/Page Builder Theme Matter?

Does Your WordPress Website/Page Builder Theme Matter?

Choosing a WordPress theme or page builder can significantly affect your website’s performance, speed, and user experience. Each theme has its characteristics and advantages, impacting everything from load times to SEO.


WP-Kadence offers versatility and speed with lightweight code and clean design. It’s suitable for various site types due to its minimalistic approach, which enhances load times. Key features include extensive customization options, a straightforward interface, and seamless integration with popular plugins.

Its built-in performance optimization tools reduce reliance on additional plugins, further speeding up the site.

Spectra (Astra)

Spectra, also known as Astra, is known for its performance-oriented architecture. Designed for speed, Astra ensures fast loading times and is lightweight, avoiding unnecessary bloat. Its compatibility with major page builders and a modular approach allows users to enable only needed features, thus maintaining agility and speed.

The extensive library of pre-built templates accelerates the site-building process.


GeneratePress is renowned for its emphasis on performance and usability. With its modular system, this theme remains lightweight, enabling users to choose specific features. This keeps the site fast and efficient.

Built with clean code adhering to WordPress coding standards, GeneratePress ensures compatibility with SEO practices and quick load times.


Elementor combines a user-friendly interface with powerful design capabilities. As a comprehensive page builder, it offers numerous widgets and templates.

Performance can be a mixed experience due to its feature-rich nature, potentially increasing load times. However, optimizing elements and careful resource management can mitigate performance issues.


Bricks focus on performance and visual design flexibility. It features a unique approach where the builder is tightly integrated with the theme, ensuring seamless operations and swift loading times.

Built with a performance-first mentality, Bricks minimizes bloat and remains highly customizable, catering to diverse design and functional needs. The extensive optimization settings allow for fine-tuning to achieve better speed.

The Insights on WordPress Plugins

The Insights on WordPress Plugins

Understanding how to manage WordPress plugins efficiently can significantly enhance your website’s performance and security. Two key actions are tweaking updates and handling pingbacks.

Disable or Tweak Plugin and Theme Updates

Automatic plugin updates can sometimes lead to compatibility issues and unplanned site changes. Disabling or controlling these updates allows for better management.

Manual Updates:

  • Ensure you are aware of changes before they occur.
  • Use the “Easy Updates Manager” plugin for granular control over updates.
  • Schedule updates during low-traffic times to minimize disruptions.

Selective Updates:

  • Update only critical plugins and themes immediately.
  • Test updates on a staging site before applying to the live site.

Disable Pingbacks

Pingbacks can slow down a site and open it up to spam attacks. Disabling them can improve site speed and security.

Why Disable Pingbacks:

  • Reduces load on the server.
  • Prevents spam and abuse.

How to Disable:

  • Go to Settings > Discussion and uncheck “Allow link notifications from other blogs”.
  • Disable globally by adding the following code to the theme’s functions.php file:
add_filter('xmlrpc_methods', function($methods) {
    return $methods;

Disabling pingbacks ensures a smoother, faster-running WordPress site.

Why Cache Is So Important

Why Cache Is So Important

Caching significantly enhances website performance and speed. It reduces load times and improves user experience, which is crucial for regular and membership sites.

What Is Caching?

Caching involves storing copies of files or data to serve future requests faster. Cached data provides users instant access instead of pulling data from the server every time. This decreases server load and accelerates page load times. In WordPress, caching can involve pages, posts, or queries and ensures a seamless experience for visitors.

Types of Caching

There are several types of caching: browser caching, page caching, and object caching.

Browser caching lets browsers store standard files like CSS and JavaScript. Page caching saves the entire output of a page. Object caching retains database query results. Each type serves different aspects of site performance and can be combined for optimal results.

Caching at the Server Level

The hosting provider implements Server-level caching directly, often through modules like Varnish or Memcached. This type reduces the server’s workload by saving resources and improving response times for frequently accessed data. Choosing a hosting provider that offers robust server-level caching can make a noticeable difference in site speed and user satisfaction.

Caching with a Plugin

WordPress plugins offer easy implementation of various caching methods without deep technical knowledge. Popular plugins include W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, and WP Rocket. These tools provide options for page, browser, and object caching, often including additional features like minification and database optimization, making them essential for any WordPress site aiming for speed.

No Caching vs Caching

Without caching, every visit to a site requires entire server processing, causing delays, especially during high traffic. This can lead to slow page load times and a poor user experience. With caching, static versions of web pages are served quickly, reducing load times and providing a smoother experience. This is particularly noticeable during peak traffic periods.

Issues with Caching and Membership Sites

While caching is beneficial, it can present challenges for membership sites. Cached pages might display outdated content to logged-in users. Caching rules must exclude dynamic content based on user roles to address this. Plugins designed explicitly for membership sites often address these issues by offering settings to exclude member-specific content from being cached, ensuring a personalized experience for users.

Image Optimization Is a Must

Image Optimization Is a Must

Image optimization is vital for enhancing site speed and user experience. Properly optimized images can significantly reduce load times and improve SEO rankings.

Compression Quality vs. Size

Balancing compression quality and file size is essential. High-quality images may consume more bandwidth, impacting load times. Tools like TinyPNG and JPEGmini can help compress images without sacrificing quality.

List of Compression Tools:

  • TinyPNG
  • JPEGmini
  • ImageOptim

To decide the right balance, consider the importance of image clarity versus speed. Use online tools to test various compression settings and choose ones that maintain adequate visual fidelity.

Lossy vs. Lossless Optimization

Lossy optimization reduces file size by removing some image data, which may lower quality slightly. Lossless optimization retains all data but achieves smaller size reduction.


Technique Quality File Size Reduction
Lossy Lower Significant
Lossless High Moderate

Choosing between lossy and lossless depends on the use case. Lossy is suitable for web images where speed is critical. Lossless is ideal for images where detail is essential, like product photos. Select tools like Photoshop for lossy and PNGGauntlet for lossless options.

Fine-Tune Your Database

Optimizing your WordPress database ensures faster queries and better performance. Focusing on database enhancements using MariaDB and Redis Object Cache can significantly speed up your site.


MariaDB is a robust and efficient alternative to MySQL, offering more potent performance and better features. It improves query speed and effectively handles large volumes of data, making it a reliable choice for WordPress databases.

Key features:

  1. Enhanced Performance: Optimized for read and write operations.
  2. Scalability: Handles large datasets without significant slowdowns.
  3. Compatibility: Works seamlessly with WordPress, making migration easier.


  • Install MariaDB: Replace MySQL with MariaDB through your hosting provider’s control panel.
  • Optimize Queries: Utilize MariaDB tools  EXPLAIN to identify and enhance slow queries.
  • Configuration: Adjust database settings such as buffer pool size and cache options to match your server specifications for optimal performance.

Redis Object Cache

Redis Object Cache is a powerful tool designed to reduce database load and speed up response times by storing frequently accessed data in memory.

Key benefits:

  1. In-memory Data Storage: Fast access to frequently requested data.
  2. Reduced Database Load: Offloads frequent queries, leading to less database stress.
  3. Persistence: Data is stored persistently, even after the server restarts.


  • Install Redis: Use a plugin like Redis Object Cache to integrate with WordPress.
  • Configure Cache: Set up appropriate caching parameters to ensure maximum efficiency.
  • Monitor and Maintain: Regularly monitor Redis statistics to ensure it operates optimally and adjust configurations as needed.

By implementing these database optimization techniques, you can significantly enhance the performance of your WordPress site, leading to faster load times and an improved user experience.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: What are some key factors to consider when optimizing a WordPress membership website for performance?

A: When optimizing a WordPress membership website for performance, key factors include site speed, user experience, SEO, hosting provider, performance issues, website performance, and load speed.

Q: How can I improve the performance of my WordPress membership site?

A: To improve the performance of your WordPress membership site, you can optimize it, use a fast and reliable hosting provider, choose a lightweight and optimized WordPress theme, implement speed optimization techniques, and regularly test your site’s speed.

Q: Why is site speed necessary for a WordPress membership site?

A: Site speed is crucial for a WordPress membership site as it directly impacts user experience, SEO rankings, and overall website performance. A faster site can lead to higher user engagement and retention rates.

Q: What are some standard performance issues faced by WordPress membership websites?

A: Common performance issues faced by WordPress membership websites include slow page load times, high server response times, resource-intensive plugins, inefficient code, and lack of caching mechanisms.

Q: How can I optimize my WordPress membership site for better speed and performance?

A: You can optimize your WordPress membership site by leveraging tools and techniques such as image optimization, minification of CSS and JavaScript files, using a content delivery network (CDN), enabling caching, and regularly monitoring and optimizing your site’s performance.

Q: What role does the WordPress theme play in optimizing site performance for a membership website?

A: The WordPress theme plays a crucial role in optimizing site performance for a membership website as it affects your site’s overall speed, responsiveness, and efficiency. Choosing a lightweight and well-coded theme can significantly improve performance.

Q: How can I test the speed and performance of my WordPress membership site?

A: You can test the speed and performance of your WordPress membership site using online tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, Pingdom, or WebPageTest. These tools provide insights into your site’s performance metrics and improvement suggestions.

Final Thoughts

Optimizing a WordPress site involves multiple steps, including choosing the right hosting provider, utilizing the best plugins, and focusing on speed and performance.

Speed and performance are significant in user experience and search engine rankings. Ensuring fast load times can help keep visitors engaged and improve SEO metrics.

Image optimization and caching plugins are pivotal tools to enhance site speed. Implementing techniques like lazy loading can further boost performance and reduce load times.

Creating a membership site on WordPress requires selecting the appropriate membership plugin. This choice impacts the user experience and overall functionality of the site.

Managed WordPress hosting provides solutions designed specifically for WordPress, aiming to enhance both speed and reliability.

Regularly conducting speed tests and performance assessments ensures ongoing optimization. Using tools like website speed tests helps identify and resolve performance issues promptly.

By focusing on these areas, WordPress users can ensure their sites run efficiently and provide a positive experience for their users.

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